It’s a nose. A dog’s nose.
It does what a dog’s nose does best.
It’s an expert at sniffing things out for you.
Just like that, awwt will sniff out your art taste and show you what you’ll love, even when you don’t know what you were looking for.
No need to thank us.
Actually, please do. We love compliments.
Why is this all important?
Because beauty makes us happy.
Studies have shown that surrounding ourselves with an aesthetically pleasing environment can improve our well-being, behaviour, cognitive function, and mood.
In this man-made world we’ve created, we often neglected beauty in favour of functionality, cost or efficiency.
One concrete jungle besides another.
We humans don’t like monotony.
Experiments have shown, looking at boring things make us bored and uncomfortable. This boredom has been linked to raised heart rates and stress level.
This is where awwt comes in.
awwt is your AI-powered friend that finds art you love.
Sign up to start your sensory adventure.
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